New CCA Guidelines w.e.f 01 July 2024
Dear Partners
!!Important Update!!
CCA has issued new guidelines which are going to be implemented w.e.f. 01-07-2024. Please find the Major Changes as follows:-
1. DSC Invoice will be directly raised by DSC Companies to Applicant.
2. DSC Enrollment will not be done from current RA login. A new improved Business Partner Dashboard and Enrollment link will be provided from 1st July to enroll DSC.
3. Stock Model will be Discontinued. Your Existing Stock is Safe. If any DSC stock will left on 1st July 2024, DSC Companies will provide option to adjust that stock in a win win situation. We will provide the Exact Details as and when we will Receive the same from Certifying Authorities.
4. There is a chance of DSC rate increase ( Appox in range of Rs. 1000-1500/- ) so You can Plan to Renew the DSC on or before 30th June, 2024 which are going to expire in July, Aug or September-2024 to Save the Money and utilize the Existing Stock.
You are requested to Purcahse the DSC and Recharge the wallet as per your Requirment.
There are no Chnages in tokens due to such changes.
We are also looking forward for your Continued Support.